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tennis coach

  • 1 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vogn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) turistbus; bus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) træner
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) privatlærer
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) karet; dilligence
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) manuducere; træne
    - coachman
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vogn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) turistbus; bus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) træner
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) privatlærer
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) karet; dilligence
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) manuducere; træne
    - coachman

    English-Danish dictionary > coach

  • 2 coach

    1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagón
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autocar
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) entrenador
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) profesor particular
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) carruaje

    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) preparar
    - coachman
    coach1 n
    1. autocar
    2. vagón
    3. coche de caballos / carruaje / carroza
    4. entrenador
    5. profesor particular
    coach2 vb
    1. entrenar
    2. preparar
    1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (bus) autocar nombre masculino
    2 (carriage) carruaje nombre masculino, coche nombre masculino de caballos
    4 SMALLEDUCATION/SMALL (tutor) profesor,-ra particular
    5 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (trainer) entrenador,-ra
    1 SMALLEDUCATION/SMALL dar clases particulares a, preparar
    2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL entrenar
    coach station terminal nombre femenino de autobuses
    coach tour circuito en autocar
    coach trip excursión nombre femenino en autocar
    coach ['ko:ʧ] vt
    : entrenar (atletas, artistas), preparar (alumnos)
    1) carriage: coche m, carruaje m, carroza f
    2) : vagón m de pasajeros (de un tren)
    3) bus: autobús m, ómnibus m
    4) : pasaje m aéreo de segunda clase
    5) trainer: entrenador m, -dora f
    entrenador (Deporte) s.m.
    autocar (Automóvil) s.m.
    carro s.m.
    carruaje s.m.
    coche s.m.
    diligencia s.f.
    maestro particular s.m.
    vagón s.m.
    amaestrar v.
    enseñar v.
    entrenar v.

    I kəʊtʃ
    a) ( horse-drawn carriage) coche m (de caballos), carruaje m; ( stage coach) diligencia f
    b) ( long-distance bus) (BrE) autobús m, autocar m (Esp), pullman m (CS)
    2) ( Rail)
    a) (AmE) vagón m de tercera (clase); (before n) <fare, passenger> de tercera
    b) (BrE) vagón m
    a) ( tutor) profesor, -sora m,f particular
    b) ( team manager) entrenador, -dora m,f, director técnico, directora técnica mf (AmL)

    transitive verb \<\<team/player\>\> entrenar; \<\<pupil/student/singer\>\> preparar, darle* clases a
    1. N
    1) (esp Brit) (=bus) autobús m, autocar m (Sp), coche m de línea, pullman m (LAm), camión m (Mex), micro m (Arg); (Brit) (Rail) coche m, vagón m, pullman m (Mex); (horse-drawn) diligencia f ; (ceremonial) carroza f
    2) (Sport) (=trainer) entrenador(a) m / f
    3) (=tutor) profesor(a) m / f particular
    VT [+ team] entrenar, preparar; [+ student] enseñar, preparar

    coach building N(Brit) construcción f de carrocerías

    coach class N(US) (=economy class) clase f turista

    coach driver N(Brit) conductor(a) m / f de autobús, conductor(a) m / f de autocar (Sp)

    coach operator Ncompañía f de autobuses, compañía f de autocares (Sp)

    coach park N(Brit) aparcamiento m para autobuses, aparcamiento m para autocares (Sp)

    coach party N(Brit) grupo m que viaja en autobús or (Sp) autocar

    coach station Nestación f de autobuses

    coach tour N(Brit) gira f en autocar, viaje m en autocar

    coach transfer N(Brit) traslado m en autobús, traslado m en autocar (Sp)

    coach trip N(Brit) excursión f en autobús, excursión f en autocar (Sp)

    * * *

    I [kəʊtʃ]
    a) ( horse-drawn carriage) coche m (de caballos), carruaje m; ( stage coach) diligencia f
    b) ( long-distance bus) (BrE) autobús m, autocar m (Esp), pullman m (CS)
    2) ( Rail)
    a) (AmE) vagón m de tercera (clase); (before n) <fare, passenger> de tercera
    b) (BrE) vagón m
    a) ( tutor) profesor, -sora m,f particular
    b) ( team manager) entrenador, -dora m,f, director técnico, directora técnica mf (AmL)

    transitive verb \<\<team/player\>\> entrenar; \<\<pupil/student/singer\>\> preparar, darle* clases a

    English-spanish dictionary > coach

  • 3 coach

    1. noun
    1) (road vehicle) Kutsche, die; (state coach) [Staats]karosse, die
    2) (railway carriage) Wagen, der
    3) (bus) [Reise]bus, der

    by coachmit dem Bus

    4) (tutor) Privat- od. Nachhilfelehrer, der/-lehrerin, die; (sport instructor) Trainer, der/Trainerin, die
    2. transitive verb
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) der Eisenbahnwagen
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) der Omnibus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) der/die Trainer(in)
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) der/die Nachhilfelehrer(in)
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) die Kutsche
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) Nachhilfeunterricht erteilen
    - academic.ru/97394/coachbuilder">coachbuilder
    - coachman
    * * *
    [kəʊtʃ, AM koʊtʃ]
    I. n
    1. BRIT (private bus) [Omni]bus m, Reisebus m
    by \coach mit dem Bus
    2. (horse-drawn carriage) Kutsche f, Karosse f
    3. (railway carriage) [Eisenbahn]wagen m, Waggon m
    4. (teacher) Nachhilfelehrer(in) m(f), Privatlehrer(in) m(f)
    geography \coach Erdkundelehrer(in) m(f); SPORT Trainer(in) m(f); (about life) persönlicher Betreuer/persönliche Betreuerin, Coach m fachspr
    II. vt
    to \coach sb jdn trainieren
    he \coaches boxing er gibt Boxunterricht
    2. (help to learn)
    to \coach sb jdm Nachhilfe geben
    to \coach sb for an exam jdn auf ein Examen vorbereiten
    III. vi trainieren
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (horsedrawn) Kutsche f
    2) (RAIL) (Eisenbahn)wagen m, Waggon m
    3) (Brit: motor coach) (Reise)bus m

    coach travel/journeys — Busreisen pl

    4) (= tutor) Nachhilfelehrer(in) m(f); (SPORT) Trainer m
    5) (esp US AVIAT) Economy(klasse) f
    2. vt
    1) (SPORT) trainieren

    he had been coached in what to sayman hatte mit ihm eingeübt, was er sagen sollte

    * * *
    coach [kəʊtʃ]
    A s
    1. (große, geschlossene) Kutsche, (Staats) Karosse f:
    coach and four Vierspänner m;
    drive a coach and (four) horses through umg etwas zunichtemachen
    2. BAHN Br (Personen)Wagen m
    3. Br (Reise)Bus m:
    by coach mit dem Bus
    4. Nachhilfe-, Privatlehrer(in)
    5. SPORT Trainer(in)
    B v/t
    1. jemandem Nachhilfe- oder Privatunterricht geben (in in dat):
    coach sb for an examination jemanden auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten
    2. SPORT trainieren
    C v/i
    1. Nachhilfe- oder Privatunterricht geben
    2. SPORT als Trainer(in) arbeiten
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (road vehicle) Kutsche, die; (state coach) [Staats]karosse, die
    2) (railway carriage) Wagen, der
    3) (bus) [Reise]bus, der
    4) (tutor) Privat- od. Nachhilfelehrer, der/-lehrerin, die; (sport instructor) Trainer, der/Trainerin, die
    2. transitive verb
    * * *
    Kutsche -n f.
    Reisebus -se m.
    Trainer - m.
    Wagen -- m.

    English-german dictionary > coach

  • 4 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagon
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) turistični avtobus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) trener
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) inštruktor
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) kočija
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) inštruirati, trenirati
    - coachman
    * * *
    I [kouč]
    kočija, avtobus; American potniški vagon drugega razreda; poštna kočija; soba na krmi bojne ladje; colloquially inštruktor, trener
    to drive a coach and four through — dokončno se prepričati, spregledati kaj; izmuzniti se; izigravati zakon
    II [kouč]
    intransitive verb
    kočijažiti; peljati se v kočiji; dobivati inštrukcije;
    transitive verb
    peljati koga s kočijo; colloquially inštruirati, trenirati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > coach

  • 5 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) carruagem
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) camionete
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) treinador
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) explicador
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) coche
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) preparar
    - coachman
    * * *
    [koutʃ] n 1 coche, carruagem. 2 Amer vagão, carro de passageiros de estrada de ferro. 3 automóvel fechado. 4 Amer ônibus. 5 Sport treinador, técnico. 6 professor particular. • vt+vi 1 ensinar, treinar. 2 preparar (para exame ou certames). 3 viajar em carruagem ou carro. we coached it / percorremos (o trecho) em coche, fomos de coche. 4 orientar jogador. coach and four, coach and six carruagem a quatro, a seis cavalos. coaching fee honorário para aulas particulares. hackney coach carro de aluguel. he coaches with me ele tem aulas particulares comigo. he is a slow coach ele é tapadão, ele tarda a compreender. mail coach mala-posta, rail carro-correio. stage coach diligência. the old coaching days os bons, velhos tempos (da diligência).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > coach

  • 6 coach

    I 1. [kəʊtʃ]
    1) (bus) (auto)pullman m.
    2) BE (of train) carrozza f., vettura f.
    3) sport allenatore m. (-trice)
    4) (for drama, voice) insegnante m. e f.; (tutor) insegnante m. e f. privato (-a)
    5) (horse-drawn) (for royalty) carrozza f.; (for passengers) diligenza f.
    modificatore [holiday, journey, trip] in pullman
    II [kəʊtʃ]
    1) sport allenare [ team]; essere un allenatore di [ sport]

    to coach sb. — dare ripetizioni a qcn. (in di)

    to coach sb. for an exam, for a role — preparare qcn. per un esame, per una parte

    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagone
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) pullman
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) allenatore, allenatrice
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) insegnante privato
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) carrozza
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) preparare; allenare
    - coachman
    * * *
    I 1. [kəʊtʃ]
    1) (bus) (auto)pullman m.
    2) BE (of train) carrozza f., vettura f.
    3) sport allenatore m. (-trice)
    4) (for drama, voice) insegnante m. e f.; (tutor) insegnante m. e f. privato (-a)
    5) (horse-drawn) (for royalty) carrozza f.; (for passengers) diligenza f.
    modificatore [holiday, journey, trip] in pullman
    II [kəʊtʃ]
    1) sport allenare [ team]; essere un allenatore di [ sport]

    to coach sb. — dare ripetizioni a qcn. (in di)

    to coach sb. for an exam, for a role — preparare qcn. per un esame, per una parte

    English-Italian dictionary > coach

  • 7 coach

    kəu  1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) jernbanevogn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) rutebil, turistbuss
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) trener, instruktør; repetitør
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) privatlærer
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) vogn, diligence, karet
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) trene, gi privattimer, instruere
    - coachman
    subst. \/kəʊtʃ\/
    1) buss, turistbuss, rutebil (på lange strekninger)
    2) ( om tog) (jernbane)vogn (spesielt personvogn)
    3) karét, gallavogn, diligence
    4) fireseters, todørs personbil
    5) ( sjøfart) kapteinslugar (på krigsskip)
    coach and four karét med firspann
    travel coach (amer., på fly eller tog) fly turistklasse, reise økonomiklasse
    subst. \/kəʊtʃ\/
    1) ( sport) trener, instruktør
    2) (privat)lærer, manuduktør (på universitetet e.l.)
    verb \/kəʊtʃ\/
    1) ( sport) trene (som instruktør), være trener for, være instruktør for
    2) gi privatundervisning, få privatundervisning, manudusere, ta manuduksjon

    English-Norwegian dictionary > coach

  • 8 coach

    kocsi, vagon, távolsági busz, edző, autóbusz to coach: hintón jár, magánórákat ad, kocsin megy, oktat
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vasúti (személy)kocsi
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) (távolsági) autóbusz
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) edző
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) magántanító
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) hintó, fogat
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) felkészít
    - coachman

    English-Hungarian dictionary > coach

  • 9 coach

    n. kaross; tågvagn; turistbuss; tränare, lärare
    v. träna, instruera
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) järnvägsvagn, personvagn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) turistbuss, långfärdsbuss
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) tränare, coach
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) privatlärare
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) vagn
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) plugga, preparera, träna
    - coachman

    English-Swedish dictionary > coach

  • 10 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) farþegavagn
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) ferðamannarúta
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) þjálfari
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) einkakennari
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) hestvagn
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) þjálfa, hlÿða yfir
    - coachman

    English-Icelandic dictionary > coach

  • 11 coach

    n. posta arabası, at arabası, fayton, otobüs, limuzin(Argo), çalıştırıcı, yolcu vagonu, ucuz tarifeli bölme; ekonomi klas; antrenör, koç; özel hoca
    v. eğitmek, yetiştirmek, hazırlamak, özel ders vermek, antrenman yaptırmak, özel hocalık yapmak; araba ile gezmek
    * * *
    1. özel ders ver (v.) 2. yolcu arabası (n.) 3. yolcu otobüsü
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagon
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) otobüs
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) antrenör
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) özel öğretmen
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) araba
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) özel ders vermek; sınava/yarışmaya hazırlamak
    - coachman

    English-Turkish dictionary > coach

  • 12 coach

    • treenata
    • turistiauto
    • vaunu
    • vaunut
    • bussi
    • valmentaja
    • valmentaa
    • postivaunut
    • rautatievaunu
    • linja-auto
    • lajivalmentaja
    * * *
    kəu  1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vaunu
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) bussi
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) valmentaja
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) yksityisopettaja
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) vaunut
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) valmentaa
    - coachman

    English-Finnish dictionary > coach

  • 13 coach

    [kəutʃ] 1. n
    ( bus) autokar m; ( horse-drawn) powóz m, kareta f; ( RAIL) wagon m; (SPORT) trener(ka) m(f); ( SCOL) korepetytor(ka) m(f)
    2. vt
    sportsman/woman trenować; student udzielać korepetycji or dawać korepetycje +dat
    * * *
    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) wagon
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autobus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) trener
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) korepetytor
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) powóz
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) przygotowywać
    - coachman

    English-Polish dictionary > coach

  • 14 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagons
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autobuss
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) treneris
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) repetitors
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) kariete
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) sagatavot (eksāmenam, sacīkstēm)
    - coachman
    * * *
    kariete; treneris; mājskolotājs, repetitors; vagons; autobuss; otrā klase; trenēt; sagatavot

    English-Latvian dictionary > coach

  • 15 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagonas
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autobusas
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) treneris
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) repetitorius
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) karieta
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) ruošti (egzaminui)
    - coachman

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > coach

  • 16 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagón
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) dálkový autobus
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) trenér
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) soukromý učitel
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) kočár, dostavník
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) připravovat (ke zkoušce)
    - coachman
    * * *
    • vůz
    • kouč
    • autobus
    • autokar

    English-Czech dictionary > coach

  • 17 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagón
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autokar
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) tréner
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) súkromný učiteľ, -ka
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) koč
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) pripraviť
    - coachman
    * * *
    • železnicný vagón
    • súkromný ucitel
    • tréner
    • trénovat
    • kociar
    • koc
    • kocík
    • autokar
    • autobus
    • osobný voz na železnici

    English-Slovak dictionary > coach

  • 18 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) vagon
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) autocar
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) antrenor
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) caretă
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.)
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) a pregăti (pe cineva) la
    - coachman

    English-Romanian dictionary > coach

  • 19 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) βαγόνι
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) πούλμαν
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) προπονητής
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) καθηγητής για ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) άμαξα
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) προγυμνάζω, προπονώ
    - coachman

    English-Greek dictionary > coach

  • 20 coach

    [kəu ] 1. noun
    1) (a railway carriage: The last two coaches of the train were derailed.) wagon
    2) (a bus for tourists etc.) (auto)car
    3) (a trainer in athletics, sport etc: the tennis coach.) entraîneur/-euse
    4) (a private teacher: They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics.) répétiteur/-trice
    5) (a four-wheeled horsedrawn vehicle.) carrosse
    2. verb
    (to prepare (a person) for an examination, contest etc: He coached his friend for the Latin exam.) préparer qqn à
    - coachman

    English-French dictionary > coach

См. также в других словарях:

  • tennis coach — noun a coach of tennis players • Hypernyms: ↑coach, ↑manager, ↑handler …   Useful english dictionary

  • Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach — est un film américain sorti en 2007 et réalisé par Danny Leiner avec au casting Seann William Scott et Randy Quaid. Synopsis Suit à la mort du coach de tennis d un collège un surveillant un peu fou décide d entrainer une équipe pour le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tennis in China — is a rapidly growing sport that has received much private and public support, and has today become firmly entrenched in the Chinese consciousness as one of the most popular. Tennis is now the third most popular sport on television in China,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tennis — This article is about the sport. For other uses, see Tennis (disambiguation). Tennis The …   Wikipedia

  • coach — coach1 W3S3 [kəutʃ US koutʃ] n ↑football, ↑T shirt, ↑whistle ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(sport)¦ 2¦(help for exam)¦ 3¦(bus)¦ 4¦(train)¦ 5¦(horses)¦ 6¦(in plane/train)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1500 1600; …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • coach — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English coche, from Middle French, from German Kutsche, from Hungarian kocsi (szekér), literally, wagon from Kocs, Hungary Date: 1556 1. a. a large usually closed four wheeled horse drawn… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • coach — 1 noun (C) 1 IN A SPORT (C) someone who trains a person or team in a sport: a tennis coach see teach 2 IN A SCHOOL SUBJECT (C) especially BrE someone who gives special instruction to a student in a particular subject, especially so that they can… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Tennis games — are often used to help players of all abilities to practice the different strokes involved in tennis. The number of participants needed varies from as few as two players to as many players as can fit on a tennis court. These games are often used… …   Wikipedia

  • Tennis Magazine — is a monthly magazine which covers the most important news from the world of tennis. HistoryIt has been published for over forty years and it has been offered online for over ten years. Aside from articles about the most recent events and most… …   Wikipedia

  • coach — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport in alcuni sport, come la pallacanestro, il tennis, ecc., allenatore, responsabile tecnico {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: ingl. coach propr. carrozza poi chi assiste nello studio o nello sport ,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • tennis — /ten is/, n. a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with rackets, in which a ball is driven back and forth over a low net that divides the court in half. Cf. lawn tennis. See illus. under racket2.… …   Universalium

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